Modern Worship Guitar Lessons - EBOOK
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Third Edition Learn-at-Home Lesson Course Book for the 8 Chords100 Songs Worship Guitar Program
Authored by Eric Michael RobertsEdition: 3
YES! You can learn to play guitar quickly with a few simple chords. This complete learn-at-home book contains powerful step-by-step learning lessons and includes everything you need to know to become a great guitar player even if you have never picked up the guitar before! This is the core curriculum of the popular 8chords100songs.com online guitar program. Once you learn a few chords and strum patterns, you will be able to play hundreds of songs! Join me in this amazing journey to learn and play worship guitar.....
* Learn correct posture and form
* Play the best modern chords shapes easily
* Master great strumming patterns
* Easy-to-play worship songs
* Playing and singing
* Guitar related music theory
* And much more!
Includes lesson plans, pro guitar tips and special MP3 audio downloads for an amazing learning experience.
Visit our web site to learn about the HD videos that take you through each lesson in the online school at www.8chords100songs.com
When you learn a few of the simple chords in this book, you will be able to play all 100 songs from the 8 Chords 100 Songs Worship Guitar Songbook.